High Performance Sports Field Contract

The Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) required a contract for two high performance sports facilities; Kippax Lake Field and the Tramway Oval.

Xyst provided services to meet the needs of GSP, ensuring the contract was performance based, utilising the specifications outlined in the facilities Turf Management Plans, and was assigned with a weighted attributes tender within a short timeframe, as requested.

The project began with a site visit by our lead consultant, who used this as an opportunity to familiarise himself with the facilities being contracted. A procurement plan was then completed, followed by a review and confirmation of levels of service with GSP, to ensure the needs of AFL, NRL, FIFA and the Rugby Union would be met.

Staff then worked with GSP to determine the management approach for contract evaluation, including the setting of KPI’s to measure contractor performance. Xyst also worked to develop a communications protocol to ensure contractors minimise disruption to facility users. Xyst then drafted the contract, set assessment criteria and assisted in the procurement process to identify the most suitable operator.

Project Benefit

Xyst was engaged to prepare a new high performance sports field contract for the Greater Sydney Parklands.
Client organisation
Greater Sydney Parklands
Service Delivery
Maintenance contract procurement
Contract specifications
Levels of service setting