
With experience and expertise across the spectrum of creating, managing and maintaining outdoor spaces, Xyst has had a big impact on communities throughout New Zealand, Australia and Canada.

Feel free to browse through the case studies below to find out how we have helped council, local government and other people working in the public sector to find solutions for projects.

Gore District Council
Xyst assisted Gore District Council in the preparation of a LCFG application to co-fund the Stage 2 development of Tulloch Park in Mataura.
Marlborough District Council
A comprehensive review of the existing contract structure to make it more cost effective and efficent.
Central Hawkes Bay District Council
Xyst conducted a field assessment and site analysis on Coronation Park in Waipawa and made recommendations and strategies for CPTED improvements. Xyst also undertook a site visit to Russell Park and provided suggested CPTED amendments to the staged draft Master Plan.
Horowhenua District Council
Xyst undertook a site visit and reviewed the existing cemetery interment documentation against who is actually interred onsite, by viewing and matching plot information with each headstone to determine a true data source of interment information.
Invercargill City Council
A review of the current and previous financials to determine the viability of the operation and benchmark against commercial models, by reviewing the cost of production and supply rates to determine the nursery’s strategic future within Invercargill City Council Parks business unit.
Hamilton City Council
Xyst worked with Hamilton City Council and the Aboretum Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to develop a design concept for a memorial including installation pricing estimates.
Central Hawkes Bay District Council
Xyst successfully assisted Central Hawkes Bay District Council in the scoping, pricing and programming and subsequent funding application to the Tourism Infrastructure fund for the development of replacement toilets and carpark at Otaia/Lindsay Bush that form part of the Tukituki Cycle Trails.
Mackenzie District Council
Xyst developed a successive planting plan and programme for replacement of felled pine trees to beautify the recovery park and provide screening mitigation.
Mackenzie District Council
Xyst developed a detailed planting plan of over 200 specimen trees and smaller native plants for the reserve and associated streets and also procured the plants and a planting contractor in the winter of 2023.