
With experience and expertise across the spectrum of creating, managing and maintaining outdoor spaces, Xyst has had a big impact on communities throughout New Zealand, Australia and Canada.

Feel free to browse through the case studies below to find out how we have helped council, local government and other people working in the public sector to find solutions for projects.

City of Melbourne
The Open Space Asset Team of the City of Melbourne (CoM) identified the need to review and develop a more effective approach to asset valuation and renewal planning based on level of service requirements and industry best practice.
Greater Sydney Parklands
Xyst worked closely with the Greater Sydney Parklands teams to consider a revised approach to operational maintenance delivery, revised service specifications and options for approaching the market, including drafting of contracts for tender.
Brimbank City Council
The key messages in the review relate to the need for the council to consider introducing budget planning processes for operational expenditure related to new assets (council and developer-led). Modernise systems and processes to support service delivery and measure performance and the introduction of a performance-based approach to service delivery.
City of Greater Dandenong
Project to understand the operational delivery model, functions of the teams and efficiency.
City of Whittlesea
To consider options for how services could be delivered in future years at completion of current contract terms. The maintenance to include parks and open spaces and trees.
Mount Alexander Shire Council
To develop a submission to Council for the Parks and Gardens and Active Communities renewals of parks’ assets.
Wildflower Country (representing 11 Shires in WA)
The project required the delivery of an evidence-based, comprehensive and relevant Regional Trails Master Plan that would be sufficient to enable constituent councils to give due consideration to the strategic aspects of the question as to whether it is feasible to progress with the planning and physical development of individual trails. The completed Plan will be used as a key reference document to support future grant applications by the 11 Councils (Shires) who were partners in the project.
Latrobe City
Guidelines have been developed to support and guide the establishment of Community Gardens within the City
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (WA)
Interview users of the parks and trails along the Swan River to identify expectations and levels of satisfaction with assets, trails and parks condition