Aquatic Services Provision

Service Delivery Section 17a LGA 2023

This review was conducted to determine the most appropriate service delivery model to achieve the desired outcomes in a cost-effective way.

Seven options were considered and, through a first stage assessment of benefits, five were deemed appropriate to meet service delivery expectations. Of these, four were outsourced options and the other option was for WBOPDC to operate the pools in-house.

The report recommended that WBOPDC initiate procurement of a commercial provider of aquatic services to deliver for both aquatic facilities.

Project Benefit

Xyst completed a service delivery review under Section 17a of the Local Government Act for Western Bay of Plenty District Council.
Client organisation
Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Sport, Recreation and Community Planning
Sport and recreation strategy
Service Delivery
Service Delivery Review (Section 17a Local Government Act)
Service Delivery Model comparison
Business Improvement Planning