
With experience and expertise across the spectrum of creating, managing and maintaining outdoor spaces, Xyst has had a big impact on communities throughout New Zealand, Australia and Canada.

Feel free to browse through the case studies below to find out how we have helped council, local government and other people working in the public sector to find solutions for projects.

Greater Sydney Parklands
Xyst produced a procurement plan, contract and tender documentation and coordinated the process of identifying a suitable arborist for the Greater Sydney Parklands.
Greater Sydney Parklands
Xyst was engaged by Greater Sydney Parklands to conduct condition assessments and collect asset data in Centennial Park.
Tararua District Council
Xyst worked with Tararua District Council staff and camping ground operators to conduct a review in accordance with Section 17a of the Local Government Act 2002 to explore the most cost-effective and appropriate service delivery models for Councils four camping grounds.
Nelson City Council
Xyst undertook a robust procurement process to select a contractor to expertly manage Nelson’s unique and beautiful network of parks and open spaces, to the highest quality and best value.
Mackenzie District Council
Providing a forum for the communities of Lake Alexandrina to liaise with the key agencies and discuss and solve management issues.
City of Yarra
Xyst was engaged to conduct quality audits of the parks and reserves in the City of Yarra to assess how well the Open Space Maintenance contract is meeting the agreed service levels.
Tararua District Council
Assessment of reserve land and community buildings for rationalisation.
Mackenzie District Council
An interim secondment to cover the management of the Alps 2 Ocean trail.
Ruapehu District Council
Our work has quantified the tree assets that Council are responsible for managing, which enables more efficient management of the tree population through forward planning, works prioritisation and highlighting risks.