Xyst was engaged to review the functions and services undertaken by the District Parks Planning and District Parks Operations within the Operations Department at Taupo District Council.
Specifically, the review sought to:
- Identify what policy and plans are currently in place and what is on the agenda to complete currently
- Develop a clear hierarchy of appropriate parks policy and plans that should be in place for a well performing parks provider.
- Review the outputs of Yardstick Parks Benchmarks to demonstrate where Taupo currently sit in terms of best practice and agree achievable goals and measures to ensure improvement are made over the months ahead.
- Review current information, if any, on customer levels of expectation and satisfaction with the parks network and its maintenance and assets. Implement a repeatable cost effective parks user survey to regularly monitor Taupo DC success and levels of satisfaction with the parks services.
- Review the systems in place for cemetery operation including the documented operational procedures
- Understand the current staff roles and identify potential resource gaps/surpluses and the impact these would have on delivering an improved long term parks network.
- Provide a clear and comprehensive written draft report on issues, opportunities and recommendations.