Te Hangāruru Trail – Horopito Hub

High Level Concept and Visualisations

Xyst helped develop the concept layout including:

  • vehicle access off the State Highway and Horopito Road,
  • a tour vehicle turnaround and bike drop off with bus and car parking,
  • toilet block,
  • shelter,
  • cycle servicing hub,
  • information displays,
  • signage,
  • native alpine planting, and
  • commercial area for a coffee cart and seating.

We provided a labelled aerial concept and associated visualisation set to best communicate the proposal as part of the funding application.

Project Benefit

Xyst assisted with the development of a high-level concept plan and visualisation set, to accompany an application to MBIE for funding of the development of the Horopito Hub on the Te Hangāruru Trail in the Ruapehu District.
Client organisation
BTW Company Limited
Open Space Planning
Concept plans