Review of Contract Structure for Service Delivery

Marlborough District Council manages 1,171 hectares of open space and some 20,000 trees, including 6,500 individual street trees. The physical works associated with the maintenance of this asset was undertaken by a specialist in-house amenity horticulture team and three main contractors, split over seven contracts. Xyst reviewed the structure of contracts, including the number of […]

CPTED Assessment and Recommendations Report – Coronation and Russell Parks

Xyst visited both sites, took photographs, looked at CPTED criteria including natural surveillance, natural access control, territorial reinforcement, way finding, maintenance and lighting. Xyst spoke to stakeholders including the police, key lessees and the Rotary Club prior to making recommended improvements, with due consideration of budgets.

Manakau Cemetery Plot Identification

Xyst supplied Horowhenua District Council with an accurate detailed plot schedule of whom is buried in each plot and identified where adjustments need to be made to create a one source of accurate information. Xyst supplied Horowhenua with a report on recommendations that align with best practices on the process from Booking to Interment

Donovan Nursery Review

After conducting a thorough review of the information provided by Invercargill City Council (ICC), Xyst went through a comprehensive evaluation of the operational and financial viability of Donovan Nursery. As a result of this review certain areas for improvement were identified in stock management, productivity, systems management, and financial management. These findings will help ICC […]

Taitua Memorial Landscape Design

Xyst received input from the TAG group on the direction for the memorial and developed the concept and the detailed design set including signage design. Signage was produced and the design set delivered to Council landscape construction firms for pricing.

Matawai Reserve Concept Plan Development

Xyst engaged with Council and community stakeholders, including the school and tamariki/rangitahi, local working group, and hapū, to develop the concept to help in future planning. Features included a court renewal, an extended playground with flying fox, a nature play area, barbeque, seating and shelter, parking development, a perimeter trail around the junior cricket oval […]

Port Ōhope Wharf – TIF Application

Xyst detailed out a two-phase development including landscape concept plans, specifications and high level project pricing. Phase 1 included the exterior southern plaza, recreational wharf, and car parking area upgrades, and the interior (former ‘cargo’) shed fit out for visitor and public events and activities. Phase 2 included a new large northern concreted plaza area […]

Putāruru Water Park – Stage 2 Visitors Precinct – TIF Application

Xyst detailed the proposal, the project description, the proposed infrastructure, funding source investigation, the project milestones, risks and mitigations for the project in the application for funding. This included links to the river installation in Stage 1 to the annual appearance of Matariki by way of two significant sculptural installations, representing the connection between Ranginui […]