Hetana Street Reserve Classification
Xyst reviewed the background of the proposal and commissioned a land status report and an arborist assessment. We advised Council on the process and prepared the public notification documentation and the hearing and decision reports, and facilitated mana whenua engagement and the hearings.
TIF Round 7 Application – Tulloch Park Toilet and Change Room Development
As part of the Stage 2 development of Tulloch Park in Mataura, Gore District Council wishes to develop a new toilet and change facility to complement the new visitor assets in the park. These assets include a new playground, pump park, fitness circuit along with a new zero-depth splash pad, and refurbished court surfacing. The […]
Taitua Arboretum Development Plan
25 years on from the gifting of the Taitua Arboretum to the people of Hamilton City and 50 years on from the first tree plantings, the Arboretum’s landscape has changed significantly; the trees have matured, infrastructure has been developed and visitation has increased significantly. The intention was to take a fresh look at the Arboretum, […]
Rural Townships Community Caretaker Performance Assessment
Xyst was engaged to undertake an independent mid-term audit and performance review of community caretaker contracts in place for parks and open space maintenance in rural townships across the Tairāwhiti Gisborne District. The project included developing and undertaking an audit/performance assessment of each of the nine contractor areas, interviews with the contractors who held open […]
Hibiscus and Bays Local Parks Management Plan Submission Analysis
Xyst was engaged by Auckland Council to analyse feedback on the draft Hibiscus and Bays Local Parks Management Plan. This plan was the first of 21 omnibus reserve management plans in the Auckland open space planning programme and included 284 parks over 604 hectares of parkland. The team analysed over 1000 comments from 263 submissions. […]
Oval Reserve Sports Park irrigation
Xyst was engaged by Tairāwhiti Gisborne District Council to provide end-to-end project management for the design and installation of an irrigation system for Oval Reserve sports ground in Gisborne. We initially engaged a specialist irrigation design company to design the irrigation system and prepare tender documents. Xyst then ran a competitive tender process on behalf […]
Low Herbicide Weed Control Trial Study
Nelson City Council has received several requests from members of the public who have requested that pesticides aren’t used in Council’s parks and reserves. In response, Council has requested that Xyst Limited investigate the feasibility and implications of undertaking weed control in a selection of reserves with no (or minimal) herbicide use. The report considers […]
River Walkway Development
Xyst worked with Council officers to identify a future walkway linkage. We undertook consultation with adjacent property owners, including land acquisition and easement over land, prepared resource consents including working on a HAIL site, and within the Railway Corridor, prepared a contract for construction and managed project contractors including Xyst acting as Council representative for […]
Westshore Beach Playground Maintenance Plan
We developed a comprehensive playground maintenance plan, for Napier City Council, which captures detail on all playground items such as technical names, suppliers, maintenance inspections and actions required, warranties and much more. The document supports playground maintenance staff as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for the playground and ensures information is not lost, post development. We then developed […]
Capacity Review
Xyst worked closely with the Hutt City Parks and Reserves team to review their operations, property, planning, project management and contract management roles. Using a combination of peer Council analysis, Yardstick benchmarking and our extensive local government experience to identify opportunities for improvement and a programme of change.
Reserves and Facilities Asset Management Plan Peer Review Proposal
Reviewed and scored each section based on IIMM 2016, IPWEA Parks Practice Notes and the Local Government Act 2002
Kauaeranga Valley Trail Needs Assessment
For preparation of the assessment Xyst undertook a review of current strategic documents, recreation participation, current trail provision, demographics and projections, the tourism setting and active transport opportunities. To understand where community sentiments lay and to gather further localised information community consultation was undertaken via three ways: stakeholder structured interviews, an online survey and drop-in […]