Signage Suite & Procurement

The Mackenzie District Council initiated a Brand Guide (2020) to establish consistency in the Council’s visual representation. Subsequently, Xyst conducted an audit of Council signs within the District’s parks and discovered a lack of identification representing the Mackenzie District Council. Existing signs were sporadic and of varying quality, leading to challenges in visitor navigation and […]

Milford Opportunities Project

Milford Sound Piopiotahi is one of New Zealand’s most popular visitor attractions and iconic destinations in the world. 870,000 visitors went to Milford Sound Piopiotahi in 2019, with tourism growth forecast to continue, reaching 2 million by 2035. It is located in part of New Zealand’s largest National Park (Fiordland) and holds UNESCO World Heritage […]

Peace Avenue Trees

Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to undertake an inspection of the 500 historic Peace Avenue trees planted at the turn of the century in and around Fairlie and Kimbell townships. The trees had received little care for many years and some recent failures had alerted Council to issues ahead if no maintenance […]

Public Toilet Strategy

Public toilets are important community facilities for residents and visitors to maintain a safe, healthy, clean and tidy city. This Strategy considers facility provision, distribution, condition, usage, design elements, levels of service, operations and maintenance, future growth and future costs. Xyst provided robust data, information and evidence to inform an implementation plan to be used […]

Mangakino Reserve and Lakefront Development Plan

This popular area experiences significant pressure from different user groups. Users include casual recreational users who utilise the reserve for more passive recreational activities for whanau and friends picnicking and barbecuing together, campervan and other domestic visitors in vehicles, cyclists and e-cyclists on the Waikato River trail, swimmers and families with children using the existing […]

Capital Prioritization Tool

Xyst Canada Ltd. developed a tool based on criteria developed with internal staff. The ‘widget’ tool prioritizes all Parks capital projects. The project ranking results were communicated with CIty Council to determine capital costing and parks level of service.

Taurapa Sculpture Lighting

Xyst worked with the Taurapa artist, Maia Hegglun to retrospectively install lighting to illuminate Maia’s work. We produced rendering’s and concept drawings, obtained consents along with project management of electrical and civil works to install programable RGB-W Projectors allowing any colour combination to be projected onto the Taurapa throughout the year.

Parks & Facilities Management

Xyst was brought on board after a thorough risk and performance evaluation of the Mackenzie District Council’s parks and community facilities operations. Xyst was then asked to fill a sudden staff management gap, which quickly evolved into a long-term commitment to manage the District’s public facilities, parks, and community spaces. Throughout this period, Xyst’s team […]

Nelson Camping Hub

The Council resolved to provide a central service hub for campers visiting Nelson. Xyst identified potential sites and negotiated a lease for a disused petrol station in downtown Nelson. We quickly arranged all the necessary facilities to provide toilets, hot showers, wifi and visitor information. This included engaging contractors to staff and clean the facility.

Parks, Gardens, Cemeteries and Community Facilities Operations and Maintenance Contract

Xyst undertook a comprehensive procurement process for the development of a new maintenance contract covering the entire district. This included specification writing, GIS asset and contract mapping, contract writing, procurement plan, ROI and RFP preparation and evaluation. Xyst also assisted with contractor handover and contract management in the first year of the contract.

Glacier Country Cycle Trail Feasibility Study

Xyst worked alongside Tourism Resource Consultants to deliver a feasibility report outlining a proposed cycle and walking trail between Okarito and Fox Glacier that would benefit the community economically without significant detrimental environmental effects. Workshops were held throughout and contact was made with key players to consider a possible route, potential constraints, develop costings and […]