Hawkes Bay Expressway Mapping

We drew upon a range of spatial information to develop the bespoke maps. These maps showed roading designations across the two Councils as well as neighbouring property boundary lines and other key spatial data. We then arranged the printing of two high resolution maps at 3m x 1.5m, including graffiti guard to install on the […]

Shortland Cemetery Tree Assessment and Maintenance Plan

Xyst undertook tree condition and risk assessments on almost 100 trees at Shortland Cemetery. The main driver for this work was an aging tree population and potential damage to surrounding historic assets (e.g. masonry and surrounds). For each tree we collected GPS location, tree species and size data, and we undertook a condition and risk […]

John William Hall (JWH) Arboretum Tree Assessment

Xyst undertook tree condition and risk assessments of over 100 trees at the JWH Arboretum. For each tree we collected tree location, species and size, and we undertook a condition assessment and risk assessment – Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA). Assessment data and photos were provided. Data was provided in both spreadsheet (with linked photos) […]

GIS Mapping of Suburban Parks

Xyst carried out GIS mapping of 32 Suburban Parks within the Brimbank City Council area, identifying shapes and point locations of park asset categories. This mapping will support the councils performance-based approach to maintaining the parks.

Parks Operational Review

After consulting with Maribyrnong City Council’s management and operational staff, the Xyst team identified areas for improvement and operational excellence. Xyst conducted an audit of around 60 parks and open spaces to gather information on the current achievement of service levels. We also reviewed the existing asset information, financial budgets and carried out cost analysis […]

Ashburton District Tree Inventory

Xyst collected tree data on all of Ashburton District Council’s (ADC) street and park trees including GPS location, species, maturity, condition and potential risk features. We used a data collection tool developed by ADC that enabled us to upload tree data directly into the Council’s GIS system. Data collection took place over several visits timed […]

Leamington Domain Masterplan

Xyst worked in partnership with mana whenua to undertake site analysis with key staff and lessees, a two-stage public engagement process and community board and council engagement. This provided a greater understanding of the key design outcomes and priorities for development. It also strengthened Council’s relationships with mana whenua, lessees and the community and their […]

Tom O’Neill

Since starting with Xyst, I have worked alongside council to fill the role of Parks, Facilities and Customer Service Officer. This role manages the day-to-day operations of the council’s cemeteries, parks, pools, halls and associated community services. I’m also involved in planning and auditing these services to ensure their quality is maintained. Where possible, I […]

Annette Campion

I provide expertise and an in-depth understanding of planning for parks. I am engaged to undertake assessments of parks and recreation provision, analysis of park acquisitions and business cases for park development proposals. I am also the secretary of the Te Motu a Hiaroa (Puketutu Island) Management Trust which reflects a co-governance arrangement for a […]

Eric Hamilton

I support councils to develop clear policy and guidelines for managing public activities on public land. I do this by supporting council officers to manage natural and built assets, ensuring they are maintained and managed in a sustainable manner. This support includes helping council staff to grow and broaden their knowledge to manage people, activities, […]

Julia Ross

Julia Ross

I have recently joined Xyst and bring 15+ years of experience working within accounts and administration to the team. My role comprises working closely with our business manager on various accounting functions and compliance as well as Company payroll, Health and Safety and our Carbon Zero programme. You can contact me for help with Research […]

Aidan Perry

Since starting with Xyst, I have been involved with a mixture of tree and asset condition assessments, playground maintenance reports and cemetery reviews. These roles involve working on the ground to provide Council’s with up to date data on their open space areas. I have also been involved in working alongside council to fill the […]