Leamington Domain Masterplan

Xyst worked in partnership with mana whenua to undertake site analysis with key staff and lessees, a two-stage public engagement process and community board and council engagement. This provided a greater understanding of the key design outcomes and priorities for development. It also strengthened Council’s relationships with mana whenua, lessees and the community and their […]

Sports Fields Lease Model Review

Xyst was contracted to complete this piece of work which included desktop analysis, stakeholder consultation and option analysis. For the purpose of this report, only green fields were considered which included sports such as: rugby, touch rugby, football, softball, athletics, lacrosse etc. Exclusions from this report included hard surfaces and specialised surfaces such as tennis […]

Community Facilities Strategy

The Community Facilities Strategy (CFS) provided direction for decision making, development and management of community facilities in the Waikato District, including tasks such as investment and divestment frameworks for Council staff. The strategy considered the following facilities: public toilets aquatics community halls community hubs and libraries sport facilities and pavilions Our team supported engagement with […]

Hurunui Halls Feasibility Study

Xyst prepared a feasibility study that included a needs assessment for community halls in both Hawarden and Waikari townships. We prepared concept plans and costings for the preferred option.

Owen Delany Park Needs Assessment

It was identified that there was a need to clearly understand what recreation activities and facilities were required at Owen Delany Park to support the development of a Masterplan. Xyst provided support to Isthmus who delivered the final Masterplan by delivering a Needs Assessment for the park. Xyst spoke with current stakeholders, conducted a site […]

Aidan Perry

Since starting with Xyst, I have been involved with a mixture of tree and asset condition assessments, playground maintenance reports and cemetery reviews. These roles involve working on the ground to provide Council’s with up to date data on their open space areas. I have also been involved in working alongside council to fill the […]

Jenn Benden

As a Director, my focus at Xyst is across parks and recreation consulting, business development, managing staff, and strategic direction. I grew up in Vancouver, Canada, have lived and worked in Australia, and now live in New Zealand. My specialist areas are strategic planning for parks, sport and community facilities, as well as project management […]

Elise Young

I am passionate about our sector and making a difference. I always produce work to the best of my ability and take the client on the journey with me. I like to positively challenge thinking and the way things have always been done to continually seek better solutions. My role involves working with a variety […]

Nicki Malone

I am a highly experienced open space and local government professional, with more than 15 years’ experience in open space planning, including reserve management, master and concept planning, capital work programme development, project planning and management and community engagement. I have experience in developing relationships and partnering with mana whenua. You can contact me for […]

Anna McElrea

I support and assist councils and other entities to administer parks and reserves. Our shared goal is to protect, enhance and activate our public open space network in partnership with mana whenua and local communities. I help them to meet capacity issues with critical work programmes and projects, and provide independent expert advice on parks […]

Paul Wilson

My primary role is to manage the team at Xyst’s Napier office and to assist our other consultants to bring innovative, best practice solutions for our clients. I have deep knowledge across the key areas of Xyst’s services and share it for our collective benefit. I’m the go-to guy for technical issues and problem solving. I […]

Andy Smith

Andy Smith

I have over 30 years local government experience, holding a range of positions within community development, open space, recreation and sport and community assets portfolios. I was instrumental in developing the first Open Space and Sport Plan for the newly formed City of Onkaparinga in 1998 and for the last 25 years I have been […]