Mark Corea

Mark Corea

With over 30 years of experience managing horticulture, parks, and open spaces across Singapore and Australia, I have worked in very diverse sectors including tourism, ornamental plant production, landscape construction, municipal and military facility open space maintenance, golf course, university campuses and local government. I’m very passionate about urban forestry and green infrastructure, I bring […]

Drone Aerial Imagery of Parks and Reserves

Xyst completed aerial mapping (using a drone) of rural land and reserves to provide a new orthomosaic image to be used for GIS, planning and future concept plan development (including planting/revegetation options). Xyst also captured images that provide a 360 spherical view of the reserve and the surrounding land areas, that can be used in […]

Arborist Contract

Xyst was engaged by Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) who required a single contractor to complete arboriculture maintenance across the Greater Sydney Parklands’ network including; Western Sydney Parklands Parramatta Park Callan Park Fernhill Estate Centennial Parkland To facilitate this process Xyst produced a suitable procurement plan, contract and tender documents and managed the release of the […]

Ruapehu Tree Data Collection

Xyst collected tree data on more than 1,600 of Ruapehu District Councils (RDC) street and park trees. Data collected included GPS location, species, maturity, size, condition, recommended works, life expectancy and a photo per tree. We used our in-house data collection tool to provide the data to Council (via shape file and Excel) for uploading […]

Parks and Community Facilities Planning

Team Leader – 3 Month Cover During the 3 months Xyst was engaged, staff provided support progressing key projects and land use applications, assessing resource consent applications and planting plans, providing general planning advice, preparing a resource consent application and supporting and mentoring the Parks and Facilities Advisor.

Shortland Cemetery Tree Assessment and Maintenance Plan

Xyst undertook tree condition and risk assessments on almost 100 trees at Shortland Cemetery. The main driver for this work was an aging tree population and potential damage to surrounding historic assets (e.g. masonry and surrounds). For each tree we collected GPS location, tree species and size data, and we undertook a condition and risk […]

John William Hall (JWH) Arboretum Tree Assessment

Xyst undertook tree condition and risk assessments of over 100 trees at the JWH Arboretum. For each tree we collected tree location, species and size, and we undertook a condition assessment and risk assessment – Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA). Assessment data and photos were provided. Data was provided in both spreadsheet (with linked photos) […]

Twizel Greenways Tree Planting Plan & Procurement

Ad-hoc plantings through the Twizel Greenways led to issues such as shading of properties, damage to fence lines, and the spread of seedlings. In response, the Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to identify and implement a solution. Our team started by conducting GIS mapping of the existing trees to better understand the area. Additionally, the […]

Ashburton District Tree Inventory

Xyst collected tree data on all of Ashburton District Council’s (ADC) street and park trees including GPS location, species, maturity, condition and potential risk features. We used a data collection tool developed by ADC that enabled us to upload tree data directly into the Council’s GIS system. Data collection took place over several visits timed […]

Lake Tekapo Wild Fire Mitigation

Consultants from Xyst, engaged by the Mackenzie District Council, received a report from Fire & Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) identifying Lake Tekapo’s vulnerabilities to wildfire. This report identified four key risk areas including two blocks of Mackenzie District Council land, the Tekapo River and the Southern Forestry blocks boarding Murray Place and Hamilton Drive. Seeing […]

Alison Rawley

My key responsibility is project management of the Yardstick suite of benchmarking tools. This involves regular updates to the online tools on the Yardstick website, development of new survey and benchmark projects for clients, technical support, data analysis and reporting. It also involves liaison with partner industry organisations in Canada, Australia and New Zealand and […]

Dafydd Pettigrew

As a consultant, I have been involved with a mixture of parks planning, asset management, capital works delivery and programme management projects for councils, charitable trusts and Maori trusts. My role often requires a high degree of consultation and engagement with the public, key stakeholders and mana whenua. In any project, I work with people […]