Charlotte Blakey


I am responsible for working on a wide range of consultancy projects with local authority clients. I have a wide range of experience from procurement and contract management, to developing tree inventories and tree management planning.

You can contact me for help with

  • Asset management – GIS mapping and data collection
  • Tree assessments – condition, risk, maintenance and works auditing
  • Tree planting plans and canopy cover analysis
  • Tree policies and operational procedures
  • Procurement and contract management
  • Project and programme management

My expertise

My background is in environmental land management and arboriculture. I grew up surrounded by nature and have always had an interest in how our land is managed. Working in natural resource management roles sparked an interest in trees and led to nearly five years working as a consulting arborist in Australia.

Throughout my career I have been involved in a variety of projects within the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. This includes the development of asset management plans, project management, program management and delivery, development of policies and procedures, provision of technical advice, and the delivery of minor capital works.

In addition, I have extensive experience developing tree maintenance plans and tree risk management strategies. I have collected data for large scale tree inventories, and used tools such as i-Tree Eco to help Councils better understand and communicate the benefits their urban forests provide both people and the environment.

I have experience in local authority procurement for open space maintenance services. This includes preparing tender forms, evaluation documents, specifications, pricing schedules, bill of quantities and compiling contracts. My attention to detail ensures all components are linked and customised to the clients’ needs, creating a robust process which selects the most appropriate supplier.


  • Graduate Certificate Arboriculture (University of Melbourne)

  • Graduate Diploma Environmental Science (Massey University)

  • Bachelor of Commerce Marketing (University of Otago)


  • Qualified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA)

  • Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ)

Xyst in action

I bring a wide range of experience and expertise to Xyst and support projects across Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. My passion is for green assets and I am interested in creating positive and balanced outcomes for communities through sustainable parks and open space management. My experience as a consulting arborist is valuable and has been applied to a variety of projects during my time at Xyst.



The management of trees and the urban forest is vital to mitigating the effects of climate change and to the health and wellbeing of communities

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Along with Yardstick, our international benchmarking program for local government, if you need research to make good decisions, we can get it for you

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Asset Management

Having accurate information about assets allows you to make practical, workable decisions about maintaining and developing community spaces

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My Projects

Ruapehu Tree Data Collection

Xyst collected tree data on more than 1,600 of Ruapehu District Councils (RDC) street and park trees. Data collected included GPS location, species, maturity, size,

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Service Delivery Options

Xyst were engaged at short notice to undertake a comprehensive cost comparison of out-sourced maintenance versus in-house operations. The analysis included a 10 year whole

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