Skate Park and BMX Track Study
We undertook a desktop study on Council’s skate park and BMX track facilities. The aim of the study was to inform Council with recommendations for future developments that were based on robust evidence. To assist with the study we explored the following: Council’s current youth facility situation, demographics (population, township and age projections), current trends […]
Open Space Asset Data Verification and Condition Inspection Program
Inspection of roughly 5,000 open space and sports field assets to provide GIS spatial location, and asset condition. The project included improving the accuracy of existing GIS data to within 5 metres. Also, confirming assets on the register are present onsite, identifying assets removed and/or missing from the register and providing a photo for each […]
Contract Management and Contract Auditing
Xyst was engaged to manage the Amenity Tree Maintenance Contract and Open Space Maintenance contract for the City of Port Phillip from May 2023 through to March 2024. This included providing a dedicated contract manager working within the City of Port Phillip on placement. Particular emphasis was focused on improving contractor performance, systems improvement, reviewing […]
Eykolina Benny
As a consultant, I am involved with a mixture of parks planning, asset management, capital works delivery and programme management projects for councils. My role often requires a high degree of meaningful consultation and engagement with the public and key stakeholders. I am supporting the Yardstick Parks Surveys project while also providing GIS support for […]
Karl Nesbitt
I have over 30 years’ experience in the horticulture, parks and open spaces, community facilities and customer service sectors. I have been involved in contract management, business development and quality assurance programs such as Yardstick. You can contact me for help with Project management Asset management Environmental landscape Open space development Cemeteries and crematoria Community, […]
Mark Bruhn
I have worked in local government in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, more recently overseeing the governance structure, stakeholder engagement and staff leadership within a primary health network. I bring a strong service delivery and customer relationship focus having worked closely with governance groups, elected members, tangata whenua, funding agencies and community networks. You can […]
Scott Whelan
I put my all into every opportunity and am always open to learning. I am involved in parks audits for Xyst and its associated Yardstick benchmarking program, assessing park assets, conditions and maintenance requirements. I have a passion for gardening and landscaping, enjoying the opportunity to be in the great outdoors and engaging with our […]
Nick Redenbach
The key parts of my role include auditing parks, asset inspections and usage, assessing residential impact, and community and stakeholder engagement. There are many complexities to consider while inspecting and auditing assets. The most important is safety. Then we consider cost, usage, residential impacts, practicality and quality. All of these factors need careful examination to […]
The management of trees and the urban forest is vital to mitigating the effects of climate change and to the health and wellbeing of communities
We do everything required to create safe, sustainable trails that allow people to enjoy the outdoors without having an impact on the environment
Service Delivery
From procuring and managing contractors to the practical implementation of strategic work, we can help you to deliver services efficiently
Along with Yardstick, our international benchmarking program for local government, if you need research to make good decisions, we can get it for you