Lake Rotorua Recreation Gap Analysis
Xyst was commissioned by the Bay of Plenty Regional Council to provide a gap analysis of informal recreation provision in the Rotorua catchment. The analysis included a stocktake of current outdoor recreational facilities within the local area and identified gaps for potential development opportunities that would fit with the creation of a new regional park. […]
Mangakino Reserve and Lakefront Development Plan
This popular area experiences significant pressure from different user groups. Users include casual recreational users who utilise the reserve for more passive recreational activities for whanau and friends picnicking and barbecuing together, campervan and other domestic visitors in vehicles, cyclists and e-cyclists on the Waikato River trail, swimmers and families with children using the existing […]
Coutts Island Concept Plan
Xyst undertook local community and key stakeholder engagement to identify needs and desires for the development of Coutts Island.
Wairarapa Five Towns Trail Network Masterplan
In 2017 the Wellington Regional Trails Framework was endorsed by the partners who initiated it and contained in the framework is a key recommendation to develop the ‘Wairarapa Five Towns Trail Network’ as a signature trail experience. We worked with TRC Tourism develop a masterplan including cost estimates that would enable each Council to progress […]
East Cape Campground
Xyst prepared a concept plan to assist the Iwi Trust to develop the campground in a sustainable way, retaining the unique character of the site and managing use to protect urupa and other cultural sites of significance.
Rakaia Gorge Campground Toilet Renewal and Star Deck TIF Application
Xyst completed the full application documentation, including justifying the need for additional infrastructure, developing the infrastructure proposal, demonstrating how the project will support the local community, other tourism benefits and funding of the plan. This included development of the site plan concept and visualisations, component estimates, project milestones and tasks.
Lion in the Meadow Sculpture Relocation Visualisation
Xyst worked with the Whakatāne District Council to gather images of the sculpture in its previous location and transposed this with additional landscape development to the proposed new site for presentation to the local business collective.
Awakeri War Memorial Relocation Landscape Concept
Xyst prepared the landscape concept and provided a graphic illustration of a new brass replica of the roll of honour fixed to a memorial stone outside the Community Centre.
Mataatua Historic Reserve Bollard Development Concept – Whakatāne District Council
Xyst provided a landscape concept, quantities and graphic visualisation for presentation to Te Runanga o Ngāti Awa.
Riverside Dog Exercise Park Development
Xyst managed the concept and assisted in detailed design, procured products (dog agility equipment, wheelchair access, dog drinking fountains, picnic table, bag dispenser) and construction (pathway and fencing) suppliers, and managed the project delivery from September – December 2022.
Howie Park Concept Plan
Xyst undertook consultation with key stakeholders and the community to understand how the park was used and to identify key issues and opportunities to enhance the park. Consultation included intercept surveys, phone interviews and drop-in sessions. A consultation report was developed, followed by three concept plan options for Council.