Parks Operations Business Improvement Review
Xyst staff initially carried out a desktop analysis of existing documents relating to service levels, service standards, budgets, customer feedback, asset management plans and strategic plans. A total of 22 parks were assessed by scoring of a range of criteria based on typical industry standards. The identification of current operational costs and asset provision to […]
Ashburton District Tree Inventory
Xyst collected tree data on all of Ashburton District Council’s (ADC) street and park trees including GPS location, species, maturity, condition and potential risk features. We used a data collection tool developed by ADC that enabled us to upload tree data directly into the Council’s GIS system. Data collection took place over several visits timed […]
Township Contract Performance Auditing
Xyst designed a specialized tool for the Mackenzie District Council, leveraging the Safety Culture iAuditor platform. This tailored solution facilitates the inspection of areas maintained under the Council’s Township Maintenance Contract. Utilising this platform, Xyst conducts monthly inspections of Reserves and Public Spaces, ensuring adherence to the Council’s Townships Contract. The tool incorporates specific questions, […]
Service Delivery Options
Xyst were engaged at short notice to undertake a comprehensive cost comparison of out-sourced maintenance versus in-house operations. The analysis included a 10 year whole of life cost analysis and considered a wide range of operational, organisational and cultural issues to inform Council’s decision making processes.
Waipā Development Levels of Service
As a result of gap’s identified in the preparation of Waipa’s Asset Management Plans, Xyst was engaged to prepare a parks hierarchy detailed development levels of service.
Asset Management Plan Peer Review
Xyst undertook a peer review of the Bay Venues Limited Asset Management Plan (2024-2027) structure and approach and provided an insight as to whether it meets best practice, identifying areas which are positive or which could be considered for improvement.
Wingecarribee Streetscape Levels of Service and Service Specification
Assessment of current streetscape service levels and workshops with staff with the objective of establishing a consistent approach to service standards for the development and maintenance of the township’s streetscape services.
Kaiapoi Community Hub Project Management
The Kaiapoi Community Hub is a complex programme of works located in the red zone area within Waimakariri as a result of the 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. The project aims to provide a home for numerous community organisations. We assisted with budget tracking, timeline management, land negotiations and stakeholder engagement for the first stage of the […]
Tom O’Neill
As a Consultant at Xyst I have been engaged in a range of areas including project management, asset management, planning, research and service delivery roles for Councils and Clubs. My work often entails liaising with local communities and key stakeholders to gain input and local perspectives on areas they are passionate about. With proven experience […]
Eric Hamilton
I support councils to develop clear policy and guidelines for managing public activities on public land. I do this by supporting council officers to manage natural and built assets, ensuring they are maintained and managed in a sustainable manner. This support includes helping council staff to grow and broaden their knowledge to manage people, activities, […]
Alison Rawley
My key responsibility is project management of the Yardstick suite of benchmarking tools. This involves regular updates to the online tools on the Yardstick website, development of new survey and benchmark projects for clients, technical support, data analysis and reporting. It also involves liaison with partner industry organisations in Canada, Australia and New Zealand and […]
Nicki Malone
I am a highly experienced open space and local government professional, with more than 15 years’ experience in open space planning, including reserve management, master and concept planning, capital work programme development, project planning and management and community engagement. I have experience in developing relationships and partnering with mana whenua. You can contact me for […]