Eastern Hills Tracks

Network Assessment, Recommendations and Signage Plan Xyst physically inspected the full network of Eastern Hills Tracks in Hutt City Council to inform a track signage condition report, with an associated spatial plan showing existing signage locations and images. We then developed a signage plan to improve track user way-finding and safety. We made recommendations for […]

Twizel Man Made Hill Development

The Twizel Community requested the transformation of “Man Made Hill”, an untidy mound of spoil from the Ministry of Works days. In response, Xyst crafted a concept plan for review and implementation by the Mackenzie District Council. The project’s primary goals were to engage the community, revegetate the hill, and enhance the existing walking trail. […]

Tom O’Neill

As a Consultant at Xyst I have been engaged in a range of areas including project management, asset management, planning, research and service delivery roles for Councils and Clubs. My work often entails liaising with local communities and key stakeholders to gain input and local perspectives on areas they are passionate about. With proven experience […]

Eric Hamilton

I support councils to develop clear policy and guidelines for managing public activities on public land. I do this by supporting council officers to manage natural and built assets, ensuring they are maintained and managed in a sustainable manner. This support includes helping council staff to grow and broaden their knowledge to manage people, activities, […]

Anne Relling

To assist councils and other agencies, I work with them to complete strategic and asset planning to help meet the recreational and open space needs of their communities. I also undertake project management on behalf of councils to implement actions identified in their long-term plans. It’s important to understand every client’s needs. That’s why we […]

Dafydd Pettigrew

As a consultant, I have been involved with a mixture of parks planning, asset management, capital works delivery and programme management projects for councils, charitable trusts and Maori trusts. My role often requires a high degree of consultation and engagement with the public, key stakeholders and mana whenua. In any project, I work with people […]

Paul Wilson

My primary role is to manage the team at Xyst’s Napier office and to assist our other consultants to bring innovative, best practice solutions for our clients. I have deep knowledge across the key areas of Xyst’s services and share it for our collective benefit. I’m the go-to guy for technical issues and problem solving. I […]

Track Asset Review

Undertook a detailed trail assessment of all Ruapehu District Council (RDC) managed trails using Xyst’s trail assessment system and against HB8630:2004. An individual assessment report has been prepared for every trail and this will include a complete assessment of all aspects of trail provision including visitor experience, current and recommended grade, accessibility, CPTED, hazards and […]

Regional Trails Master Plan – The Tracks and Trails of Western Australia’s Wildflower Country and Coast

Western Australia’s Tracks and Trails – Wildflower Country and Coasts. Xyst broke the project down into specific tasks made up of: 1. Market Analysis Baseline Data Collation Initial Workshop Desktop Research Benchmarking Levels of Service Framework 2. Site Development: Existing Trails Preparation On-ground Assessments Face-to-Face Consultation Improvements Schedule Existing Trail Mapping 3. Site Development: Proposed […]

Omokoroa to Tauranga Cycle Trail survey 2020

The Xyst survey team collected a total of 200 intercept and online surveys over a period of a week that gave our client (Western Bay District Council) a much better idea of how the trail was being used, and the issues associated with its use. The survey was followed up with a summary report of […]

Asset & Facility Risk Assessments

New councillors were worried about the risks posed to their community, so the Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to perform a risk assessment on a range of community facilities and assets. Xyst’s team started by performing several site assessments, including the Albury Playground, Twizel Machinery Display, and Twizel Pool, producing several advisory reports for the […]

Bass Coast Tracks and Trails Strategy

This strategy identified 36 new trail opportunities to expand the trail network that has been identified during the development of this strategy, (emerging from background research, existing plans and key stakeholder consultation) and to respond specifically to: • recreation trends and preferences • existing trails network gaps • physical linkages/connections • opportunities to enhance community […]