Open Space and Street Furniture Guidelines

The Open Space and Street Furniture Guidelines is a suite of three resources: Practice Notes (this document) – 4 practice notes (people, place, environment, economy) describe context, principles, considerations and further reading relevant to open space and street furniture projects. These act as a general overview in support of the specific design guidelines. Case studies […]

Gender Impact Assessment, Warburton Mountain Bike Destination Project

Yarra Ranges Council is committed to working towards a Yarra Ranges where everyone has equitable access to resources, power and opportunities. This commitment is documented in the current Council Plan 2022-25. The Gender Equality Act 2020 requires local governments to conduct Gender Impact Assessments on all policies, programs and services which directly and significantly impact […]

Open Space and Tree Management Market and Service Delivery Assessment

City of Melbourne engaged Xyst to undertake a market and service delivery assessment and make recommendations on the best model for packaging the Open Space Management and Tree Management service contracts. The Xyst team gathered market intelligence on the current and potential service providers and considered the market in which they operate. We identified any […]

Open space contract quality audits and asset management condition inspections

The City of Whittlesea maintains 2,173 sites within its municipal boundaries where individual assets are located to be audited. All assets are inspected across the full range of park categories and measured for compliance with the relevant KPIs and outcomes detailed in the parks services contract, acting impartially and without bias. In any given month […]

Tree Strategy

Port Pirie wishes to be a region that has pride in, and appreciates the values of its trees within public parks, streets and open spaces. It wishes to provide streets that are attractive and town centres which are visually appealing and inviting, to complement the network of parks and open spaces ranging from urban to […]

Trail Survey

In early 2022 Yarra Ranges Council engaged Xyst to undertake a performance assessment of three shared use trails: the Lilydale Lake Trail, the Lilydale to Warburton Rail Trail, and the Yarra Valley Trail. This was a follow-up to an earlier survey carried out in 2019. Performance assessments were conducted in March 2022 using the Yardstick […]

Yardstick Parks User Surveys

Yardstick Parks User Surveys were developed in around 2008 initially as a paper based intercept survey designed to target park users and measure satisfaction with a range of parks related services and features. The product was initially called Parkcheck and is still known as this by some users. The surveys were taken online in 2015 […]

Bold Park User Satisfaction Review

Xyst completed a comprehensive engagement strategy involving user intercept surveys, obtaining feedback from non-park-users in surrounding areas, and a matching on-line survey to establish an overall satisfaction rating for the Park. In addition, gaps in service provision were identified and reported that would increase the overall satisfaction.

Child Care Centre Playground Performance Assessment

Key findings of the performance assessments, accompanied by some high level analytical commentary was completed, with each playground assigned an overall performance assessment score. Analysis included site design, play value, quantity of play items, equipment condition, safety surface condition and an assessment of remaining life of the asset.

Parks Performance Assessments

The purpose of the parks performance assessment was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each park, from a multi-faceted holistic perspective, and particularly from the users’ perspective. Recommendations to retain, change or assign (where none previously existed) service classifications for each park were made.

Shade Audit of Open Spaces

Xyst provided a qualitative assessment of existing shade throughout the network and completed a current condition assessment for structural shade infrastructure. Analysis was provided to assist the Council to determine the current and future needs for shade within the facilities, and objective recommendations were made based on results and findings of the audits.

Playground Performance Assessment

Undertook an assessment of each playground using the Playable Space Assessment Tool, Play England 2009, which has been adapted by Xyst. The tool enabled an assessment to be made of location, play value and ancillary facilities to produce an overall percentage score for each playground, ranking each playground to enable priorities to be identified objectively […]