Taitua Arboretum Development Plan

25 years on from the gifting of the Taitua Arboretum to the people of Hamilton City and 50 years on from the first tree plantings, the Arboretum’s landscape has changed significantly; the trees have matured, infrastructure has been developed and visitation has increased significantly. The intention was to take a fresh look at the Arboretum, […]

Contract Management and Contract Auditing

Xyst was engaged to manage the Amenity Tree Maintenance Contract and Open Space Maintenance contract for the City of Port Phillip from May 2023 through to March 2024. This included providing a dedicated contract manager working within the City of Port Phillip on placement. Particular emphasis was focused on improving contractor performance, systems improvement, reviewing […]


The management of trees and the urban forest is vital to mitigating the effects of climate change and to the health and wellbeing of communities

Chris Rutherford

I founded Xyst in 2002 with a desire to establish a parks and community facilities company that could both meet the needs of local government and also provide an alternative safe and happy workplace for colleagues needing to take time out from the demands of local government. Since then we have grown the company to […]